This is my farm plan based on my presentation for the Urban Farming class at the UW. I consider this project to be a starting point for my exploration in urban farming and gardening. It is a summary of what I’ve learned and observed this spring.

Mission Statement
The Cynthia & Carolyn Farm is a Lesbian-owned, hyper-local, small scale, organic vegetable garden, located in the Ballard neighborhood of Seattle.
Primary Goals:
- Learning to grow food
- Increasing our vegetable consumption
- Expanding our knowledge of plant biology
- Connecting with nature in our urban environment
This plan has three phases:
- Plan the garden (2021)
- Volunteer at the UW Farm for experience
and volunteer at the Ballard P-Patch for community (2021) - Implement the garden for spring 2022
The yard and the garden:
- Yard faces south and gets ample sunlight from morning to late afternoon.
- Yard is level with no noticeable slope.
- Yard is level with no noticeable slope.
- Soil is sandy clay loam.
- I’ve been inspired by the P-Patches I’ve visited.
- Most plots are in the 5×10 ft. range.
- I’ve decided on a similar scale of one 5×10 bed @ 50 sq. ft.
- Height is 24 inches off ground (easier to work in).
- Build the raised bed from cedar which lasts longer.
- It is possible to purchase a modular kit.
- DO NOT use treated lumber or composite plastic (toxins)

Soil and Nutrition:
- Buy compost from Cedar Grove (a half yard).
- Use organic fertilizer as needed.
- Use other soil if needed (imported from?)
- Start a compost bin.
- Use cover crops (fall & winter) to replenish soil nutrients & protect the soil.
- Rotate crops.
- Possibly start a worm bin.
- Note: no bees or chickens
- There is easy access to water from spigot on the side of the house.
- In the beginning, I will be hand watering via sprinkler and hose.
- Pay attention to what is the correct amount and water as needed.
- Later, I could expand to a drip watering system, especially if I wanted to add more beds

- Pest Problems
- Human Problems:
Time & energy
Travel plans
Work & hobbies
What is missing…?
Plants and planting plan.
I have a lot of information and notes but I’m still figuring out what I want to grow. I couldn’t quite get it together to figure this part out. Definitely a work in progress.
Next: Farm Reflection Part 4